Monday, December 30, 2019

Situational Interview For Your Dream Job - 1154 Words

Have you ever been a part of a behavioral or situational interview for your dream job? The recruit, select, and hire process is essential for choosing the right person for a job. In this process, interviews are conducted in the selection portion. A job interview is a one on one, panel, or group conversation between the applicant and representative of an company. The purpose of an interview is to assess whether the applicant should be hired and/or continue through the hiring process. Interviews give insight into your personality and abilities, and it allows employer the chance to determine whether your credentials and career goals match up with what the company needs for the position available. Companies use different types of interviews in their hiring process. It is said through several studies structural interviews are the best in predicting how a new employee will perform. Two most common types of interviews used are behavioral and situational. Behavioral interviews are used at s everal companies. Behavioral interviewing is used by employers to learn job applicants past behavior in certain situations. It is said that behavioral interviewing is a good way to predict future behavior and employers can also predict how individuals would act or react in hypothetical future situations. There are specific questions asked during a behavioral interview. Here is a list of sample behavioral based job interview questions: †¢ Describe a time when you were faced with a stressfulShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles : Situational Leadership Essay1501 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP 1 Situational Leadership Kristen Baldwin Kentucky Christian University Introduction After researching several other leadership styles, I found that situational leadership is the leadership style most effective for myself. Situational leadership is different from most leadership styles because it is adaptable to every circumstance. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Conventions of a Shakespeare Tragedy - 1189 Words

Every Shakespeare tragedy follows the same conventions. Some of the conventions are tragic hero with a tragic flaw, anti-hero, tragic fall, fate, and supernatural. A convention is something in Shakespeare that has a certain effect. The tragic hero always has a tragic flaw. A tragic hero cannot be a hero unless he has a tragic flaw. The tragic flaw brings the downfall of the hero. Othello is the tragic hero, because Othello is a character of nobility. He is good at the beginning but at the end he starts to become evil. ‘‘Othello’s downfall is jealousy (Othello’s Tragic Flaw) Iago tells Othello not to be jealous when Othello thinks his wife is cheating on him. Iago says to Othello, â€Å"O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; it is the green-eyed†¦show more content†¦He lost his wife, he lost his job, and he lost his life. The fate in Romeo and Juliet is Romeo fate is he dies because he was blinded by love. He was spontaneous because he married Juliet in one day. He brought his own faith when he killed Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt. The comparison between the fate in Othello and the fate in Romeo and Juliet is in both Othello and Romeo and Juliet they are both blinded by something In Othello he is blinded by jealousy. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is blinded by love (Sparknotes). They both bring their own fate. They both killed people. They both were foolish. In Romeo and Juliet they are star cross lovers which means they were never meant to be there are against each other. Another convention of Shakespeare Tragedy is magic. One example of magic in Othello is when Brabantio blames Othello. Brabantio think Othello used magic. Othello accused of getting Desdemona to fall in love with him by magic. Comparison to Othello is in Othello there an accusation of magic. In Julius Caesar there are different supernatural stuffl in it (Supernatural). One example was a terrible storm (Supernatural). The storm was supposedly a sign that Casca and Cicero both consider that the storm may be foreshadowing the events surrounding Caesars impending assassination. Another was a dream that Caesars wife, Calpurnia had a dream about a statue of her husband that was full of holes thatShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Othello As A Revenge Tragedy1022 Words   |  5 Pages The development of revenge tragedy has brought the harsh truths of humanity to light and caused the literary world to be more accustom to grotesque natures revolving around vindictive motives. Lucius Seneca wrote a variety of closet dramas which were the models for the revival of tragedy in the Renaissance period. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Lord of The Rings/Kite Runner Compare and Contrast Essay Free Essays

What objects do you associate innocence with? Marriage, virginity, a childhood toy? When we think of dominance we think of war; we think of negativity. When the phrase ‘parental influence’ comes to mind, we go to our mothers tucking us into bed and watching the game with our fathers—at least that is what us lucky ones think of. Not everyone is lucky enough to have that innocence stored forever, violent free lives, and a mother and father by our side. We will write a custom essay sample on Lord of The Rings/Kite Runner Compare and Contrast Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Kite Runner and Lord of the Flies have many similarities, particularly when comparing themes such as loss of innocence, power and dominance, and paternal influences and the ways in which they are depicted through symbolism and irony. From the beginning of The Kite Runner Hoseinni showed innocence through Amir’s passion and longing for kites, but not any kite; Amir longed for the winning kite in the annual kite flying tournament. Kites were constantly present during Amir’s childhood. They were his goodness and his purity; the goodness and purity of Afghanistan at that time. Amir’s innocence was stolen by him when he was twelve-years-old by the neighborhood bully, Assef. Amir longed for the winning kite, but at the expense of his friend, Hassan: â€Å"But there were two things amid the garbage that I couldn’t stop looking at: One was the blue kite resting against the wall,† (75). Amir witnessed the rape of Hassan, and after he took his trophy kite home and hung it up on the wall it mocked him, reminding him of his cowardice, and the purity and the innocence that were taken from him. When Amir returned to Kabul as an adult there were no kites. Afghanistan had been run over by the Taliban and everything had been destroyed, just like the innocence that was taken by Amir and the goodness and that was stolen from him. In The Kite Runner, Amir wanted the winning kite. After witnessing the rape of Hassan—witnessing his beloved friend sacrifice himself for the first place kite and seeing Kabul in ruin with the kites gone and the tournaments ended, he craves the innocence and goodness of his past. In Lord of the Flies, Golding used symbols very similarly to Hoseinni’s use of the kite as a symbol of innocence. Instead of an object or toy, Golding used Simon to show purity. Simon, the quiet and kind hearted boy, was murdered savagely by his peers. Simon had been the good and the innocent on the island; unlike the other boys he knew that the evil was inside of the others, though he himself had been too good for the evil. Simon was taken away from the boys but not by outsiders, like the Taliban; the boys themselves took Simon away, unlike The Kite Runner where Assef and the Taliban took the innocence away from Amir. â€Å"There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws† (153). The boys turned into savages and took Simon away from themselves. Unlike The Kite Runner, Simon and innocence were not wanted and were easily thrown away. As goodness was being murdered, the boys turned into monsters. Not once did they think of what was being depleted. Another theme shared by the two novels is the idea of power and dominance. In The Kite Runner, Hoseinni showed this through the bully Assef, who later became a Taliban official. Not only did Hoseinni use Assef and the Taliban as symbols of power, but he enforced them through irony. One example of dramatic irony in The Kite Runner took place when Baba was talking to Amir as a child. Baba said to him, â€Å"’God help us all if Afghanistan ever falls into their hands! ’† (17). Baba was referring to the Taliban and how he hoped they would never come into power, though consequently, the Taliban later dominate Afghanistan. Baba pleads to God for help if the Taliban run over, he pleads to a God that he doesn’t necessarily believe in, and ironically, the Taliban justify all of their actions with the word of God. Likewise, Golding used Jack and his hunters to illustrate power and dominance in Lord of the Flies. In order to assert their dominance Jack and his hunters murdered the pig in an ostentatious manner thinking that being flashy and strong will bring respect. Not only did Jack allege his power through conspicuous hunting acts, but he also imposed power with his violent mannerisms towards Ralph, Piggy, and the others. Jack is not the only power figure in this story. In turn, the British official that appeared to rescue the boys has a stature of power along with the British army. Golding expressed his love of irony with the British soldier on the island as well. The boys had been creating their own war on the island, and they were, in a way, mimicking the war that had been happening on a world-wide scale. Golding did not stop here, as the British soldier then observed the boys savagery, he reprimanded them for not being more proper and British. â€Å"’I should have thought that a pack of British boys—you’re all British, aren’t you? —would have been able to put up a better show than that—‘† (202). How ironic, that despite the soldier’s talk of being proper and â€Å"English,† he too was being a savage. He too, was in the middle of a war. Not only do The Kite Runner and Lord of the Flies share themes of innocence and power, but they both partake in the lack of positive parental influence. In The Kite Runner, Amir envied the father-son relationship that Hassan and his believed-to-be-father, Ali, shared. Like his stolen innocence, Amir yearned for his father’s approval, for these were the things he could not have. â€Å"He’d close the door, leave me to wonder why it was always grown-ups’ time with him† (5). Here, Hoseinni clearly illustrates that as growing up, and even as an adult, Amir never received the love and the affection that he so craved from his father. At every turn he would find a closed door; Baba would see Amir as a calamity. The one person who gave Amir positive parental influence was his father’s friend and business partner, Rahim Kahn. Amir did not take this influence to heart; his longing for approval from Baba and a mother he did not have created a hole that Rahim Kahn could not fill. With a deceased mother and apathetic father, Amir had a deep hunger for a father figure to such a degree that the lack of a parental influence caused self destruction and mental instability. In contrast to The Kite Runner, the boys in Lord of the Flies did not care for paternal influences as Amir did. In fact, they rejoiced because there were no adults on the island to keep them in check; â€Å"’Aren’t there any grownups at all? ’ ‘I don’t think so. ’ The fair boy said this solemnly; but then delight of a realized ambition overcame him’† (8). From the start, Amir wanted the parental influences that he grew up without; the boys on the island were more than happy to be rid of them. The consequences of the lack of parental influence did not make an appearance right away, but contrary to what the boys believed, not having a parental figure did have its repercussions. One can take Roger, in consideration. At first he could not bring himself to throw stones at the smaller, younger boys. The memories of civilization and punishments still had their hold on him, but as the story progresses, Roger finds himself becoming less and less humane; much like Assef, in The Kite Runner, who as a child, subconsciously knew he could be punished for his bullying, but as he grew older and as the influence of his parents lessened, he was able to use his wrath however he pleased. The lack of parental influence in Lord of the Flies through the immature, adolescent behavior of the boys and lack of adults residing on the island leads to destruction and chaos, similar in ways to that of Amir’s, but far more externally dramatic. Indeed, Golding and Hoseinni share many tastes when it comes to writing, and that becomes quite apparent when one looks at the themes of the two novels. Through the loss of innocence, power and dominance, and the lack of those positive parental influences Golding and Hoseinni manage to paint the picture of a life different than the life of the average American youth. Amir kept his innocence in a kite. In his homeland. The boys on the island never knew that their innocence lay within one small boy. They didn’t have a father to look up to, a mother to run to, and neither did Amir. Now, innocence is mocked. Parental figures are pushed away, but most don’t know what it is like to lose that innocence. To not have a mother or father there in times of need. Where is your innocence stored? Where do you find the comfort and protection that are craved through a mother’s love and a father’s adoring pride? How to cite Lord of The Rings/Kite Runner Compare and Contrast Essay, Essays

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Management Communication Skills

Question: Write an essay on Communication Skills. Answer: Week 3: Critical Thinking: Part A- Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is defined as some of the reasoning judgments which contains some logical thinking capability as well. The critical thinking explores the thought of the person which defines the character of the person, saying that they will never judge things as they hear. There is some person who makes an analysis and comes to a conclusion whether the matter to be justified or not. We often hear people asking a very common question about 'how did you know about this fact.' This is the way they come to know about the information. So we find that a curious person holds three characters which are- Curiosity, skepticism, humility. I need to be a critical thinker because it helps me to grasp more knowledge worldwide and it gives an ability to think individually. The critical thinking about the study and workplace involving performances helps the person to become perfect in their respective subject or the professional. In personal life if we are not a critical thinker then we will never get judgmental, and people will bully thinking a very silly assumption about us. The changing world and the updated version of every aspect makes an individual critical. Part B- ICT professionals: The ICT professionals are better known as the Information and communication technology professionals. It is important for such professionals to become critical thinkers because by critical thinking they can have some conclusions regarding the and this is the application they put for some assessment of the data. The critical thinking is required because that helps such professionals to think outside the box. It has been integral from the part of the ICT to think in the manner since it is the advent of the Apple computer. The concept regarding the critical thinking is the identification of the goal os that there are a better analysis and judgment. The ICT professionals are useful in many sectors due to its utility for providing the means of service to the customers and overcoming the problems they face in communication and presentation. One of the significant use of the ICT is in the social networking area. The social networking is used by the individuals to make the communication in respect of the services, market trend as well as some informal motives. ICT professionals think it in the prospect of the services which helps to promote different aspects of the discussion. The second important task done by the ICT is the success of the market information so that they can reach out the poor traders and can bring some improvements in their technology concerning the cost cutting sustainability balance. The third most important work done by the ICT sections are the concern of the technology. In certain matters, the technology involves even make them critical so as to view the positive and negative aspect of the society. Week 5: SWOT Analysis: Skills: Strength is the most needed aspect of the presentation that defines the body language as well as the speaking nature of the person. Many people become nervous while delivering a presentation. Hence, they do a practice beforehand. The strength is determined by the eye contact of the individual with the audiences. Weakness: contrary to the strength is the weakness because a person's major weakness is the lack of confidence during the presentation they make before the crowd especially. So, the confidence is the most important factor while some presentation made or of addressing someone. Opportunity: one of the greatest opportunity for the individual to learn in the ICT is the technique of the communication. Some professionals ensure the enhancing of the confidant of the persons that they regain some confidence while presenting their work in front of the crowd. Threats: some talents or skills vary from person to person. Some individual possesses a good command over some aspect of the profession while in the other place they may be at the low level that the average. So, some lack of experiences and the skills can be a threat to a person while making the presentation. So we can come up with two means of improvements: Practicing effective communications skills: since communication is the key to success in any presentation or addressing a person, it is advisable to improve the communication skills of the individuals. The skill helps to maintain the relation with every person we come across in our day to day life. An individual can enhance such power by taking the matter in a friendly way and represent in their way. Maintaining good connection in respect of the relationship with others: communications are the greatest power for an individual to maintain a relationship for a longer period. It is the tool to build a good relation when someone is competent enough to provide a better communication. The ICT professionals are some of the experts who knows the exact skill of communication. It helps them to communicate with the client in most effective manner. Different social networking sites like the Facebook or Twitter help in the enhancement of the communication. Week 7: Reflective Writing: The social networking media is in extensive use in this modern world. During one of the survey, we found that there are more than 45% of people exists who uses the social networking media to communicate with their close friends or even relatives. The means they use involves some of the popular sites like Google chatting, facebook, twitter and even more sites have come up in recent times WhatsApp or hike. It is the general opinion of the users that these sites are safe to use where the user of the Facebook himself commented that there are not enough security available regarding the user-centric interest. Most users can view and comment on the other profile. Some people holds the opinion that the security is modified enough for the user to save themselves from the hacker. Apart from this they even hold the view that it is one of the most convenient ways to communicate with the person across the world. Through the service, it is easy to reach to that person who stays in the next corner of the world. Although many positive aspects are there, as a social networker, I feel that there are not much security offered to the users. The hackers are enough accessed throughout the networking web providing them with various threats, and that might make them fall in a trap. The platform for the social networking usage is quite user-friendly. Generation holds the view that it will be perfect if some security settings changes can make for the personal identification of the users. I find in some of the situations where the Facebook users create the account just for the sake of making fun. The fun from the other end makes the regular and long term users to face some serious security problems. But noticeably a large number of people uses it for the communication with their close person. From my personal experience gathered let me share an incident. Even my Facebook profile got hacked sometime in this year, and the hacker disturbed my female friends and asked their contact information. Some could make out what was wrong but in most cases I eventually lost valuable contacts. Afterward, I recovered it and still now change the password every week preferably for security purpose. Luckily I do not face the problem now, but the contacts lost made a huge loss in my social factors and the trust level reduced with the claim that I did not take sufficient means of securing my account. Week 11: Personal Ethical Framework: ICT professional: The ICT professionals use the code of conducts that falls under the ACS Constitution. As the member of such community many uploads the advance of the honor, effectiveness as well as dignity. So the conclusion comes as the primary ethical code with the public interest. Work ethic and values: Each member of the ICT professional maintains the work ethics and the values in the honest and fairness manner. They maintain the same with the stakeholders. Also, they develop the quality of the life and the ability of the work since they have the privilege of being the members of the ICT. The work and the ethical values are a concern for the user of the service provided by the ICT. Some of the cases like the using of the social networking sites we find that they were not competent enough to provide a tight security and that caused problems in various sections. The networking site is the most effective manner for the individual to carry on with communication. It is one of the tools adopted by many people to improve the communication skill. Communication with colleagues: The ICT members communicate with the colleagues in the most efficient manner so as to increase the output basis. This enhances the cooperation as well as the competence mentality with the colleagues that help them perform better in the future. Some methods are even adopted to make them communicate through the social networking site so that they are confident enough to deliver the presentation. Diversity in the workplace: The diversity in the workplace is created because of the skills people have. Some of the cases we find that the performers are not competent enough to make a presentation. This is one of the factors that affects them due to lack of command over their confidence affecting their presentation. The various mode of the communication holds the diversity of the workplace which enhances various opportunity so that it is easy for the person to communicate in the widespread. The factors as mentioned above are some of the ACS codes followed by the ICT professionals while they make the presentation of their skills with some other areas of working. Apart from the individuals using the social networking sites like the Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter to make the appropriate mode of the communication while they made a conversation with the family members. There are some of the principles the individuals must respect with the usage of such social networking sites. They are not supposed to violate the privacy of the other long term users which destroys the goodwill and advantage usage of such medium of communication. The user must respect the fact that there are various moral and ethical means carried out so that the individuals can maintain the morality and the perfect means of the communication. This is considered as one of the finest means of the communication because they help in overcoming the greatest threat of lack of confidence while the presentation deliver ed by them. Week 12: Successful Completion: The ICT or the Information communication technology makes the greatest advancement of the technology in the modern contemporary world with the rising of globalization. The excessive amount of the internet usage mainly consumed within the access of the social networking sites like the Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, and hike. This is one of the major means of the communication people of the recent century have chosen so that they can make a valid and meaningful communication with the near ones and with the close relatives. The communication mode made them easy to keep in contact with the different person staying overseas. It is one of the biggest trends in the modern era to make the communication with their relatives in this medium only. The ICT have worked enough in the security settings of these social networking sites making them secure means to carry on some conversations. It is considered as one of the general modes of communicating with people around the globe. The only means of th e insecurity that occurs is the hackers who try to steal the personal data using fake accounts and that the individuals must be aware. The creation of the fake profile is cancer to the social networking site. The two things that I liked about this course is that there is an availability of the presentation making enhancing my skills for the further assessment in the future. It also helped me to know the effective means of the perfect communication and teaches what is to be done to overcome the threats ad convert in the opportunity. The course further teaches the capability of the person to change the weakness in stoniness and change the atmosphere to make us more confident about our goals and presentations we make. It is one of the universal truth that the most effective way of communication leads to the attraction of the individuals towards you and we are taught with ICT guidelines about what they follow to enhance the communication skills. This results in a positive feedback regarding the outcome of the presentation in the most effective and wonderful way. If my question asked then, I would like to produce one of the comprehensive suggestion which I feel must be there so that there is an improvement of the communication skills within the individuals. The suggestion that I want the top to make will make the greatest fear to set aside so that the performance level of the performer goes up. The means of the communication through the social networking site can be enhanced more so that the people finds larger scope to communicate there in all aspects of the official purpose even. I have seen a lot of people who are a regular user of the social networking site complaining that the site does not provide proper security, and that violates the privacy of the long- term or the regular users. It is advisable to provide a better security option so that people can enjoy using the site as well as carry on with the activity to improve the communication skills of the individuals. Lack of the security works as a threat to them and tend to make them mor e nervous which will act as the adverse on the improvement of the same. Some other information, as well as the communication sections, needs the improvement to get along with the demand of the consumers with the maintenance of the sustainability. The communication and the technology are not adequate to give an amazing experience so that the conversation can be carried on with the consumers in the most secure manner with the positive outcome. It is expected from such professionals like the ICT that they will provide an adequate means of the security so that the users do not face problems in the coming future. Lack of the security provides the adverse ways of the communication skills, and many individuals may fall in serious problem. The lack of security will give rise to the fear, and that will make them nervous to express the views in means of presentation resulting ultimate failure. The importance and the codes of the behavior regarding the social and private issues needs a collaboration with the legal issues as well. Some situations you are left to struggle with your weakness and organizations do not make adequate means to overcome them that makes them lack in the performance level as well. The ICT can have the significant impact on the organizational process by providing adequate means of improvement regarding the communication and presentation which are the greatest threat in one's professionalism. The communication and the technology made a great impact on the field of the communication with the people. The means of the interaction in the social networking sit is not providing adequate security so that there is a maintenance of the privacy. The complaint from the people using the social networking sites must be taken seriously. There is a huge communication made through the internet and social network media that helps the people to overcome the greatest fear of presentation in front of the crowd. There is a huge number of people who uses the site so that they can make proper communication with the person and they share different information including the mail id and even sometimes the account details. It is for these reasons that the comprehensive recommendation to be made to work on the security providing medium of the network.