Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Ethics Of Dual Relationships - 1043 Words

Dual Relationships The ethical delimma of â€Å"Dual Relationships.† Dual relationship occurs when the professional such a case manager is in two different relationships with a client; one related to their career and the other is unrelated to the profession. The second relationship could consist of parties having in an intimate connection (boyfriend / girlfriend), relatives (father, mother, cousin, etc.), a second job co-workers, Sunday school teacher, child’s football coach, personal trainer, lawn’s man, etc. â€Å"Engaging in dual relationships is risky business for social workers† (Jeffrey N. Younggren, n.d.). They are at risk of violating work Code of Ethics, which later may lead into lawsuits or client’s mistrust of the professional worker. After researching the Code of Ethics for social workers, it â€Å"stipulates that if a dual relationship is exploitative, during or after a professional relationship, it should be avoided† (Dewane, 2010). Many argues, dilemmas within â€Å"concurrent and consecutive relationships does not fit the context guidelines of the code of ethics† (Jeffrey N. Younggren, n.d.). When a professional is challenged as to whether he or she should enter into a dual relationship or not, many factors need to be considered and evaluated: will this relationship jeopardize the intrigue of the agency; will it compromise the needs of the client; will it cloud the judgement of the professional; or is the cost of personal fulfillment outweigh the commit to the profession. NowShow MoreRelatedCase Study on Ethics and Dual Relationships in Social Work Essay1050 Words   |  5 PagesEthics Case Study: Juan S. The social worker in this case study worked at the ABC Children’s Wellness Center. An ESL teacher at a local elementary school referred Juan S. to her. Juan came to the center with his mother, Silvia. 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